The first batch of youth that followed the course in Dairy Farming Assistant conducted by the Department of Animal Production and Health received their certificates at an event at the Institute of Continuing Education, Gannoruwa, Peradeniya. The chief guest on the occasion was Mr.Gamini Rajaratne, Chief Secretary of the Central Province. The Dairy Framing Assistant course complies with the National Vocational Qualification – Level – 04. The course was followed for the first time by a group of youth numbering 56 selected by the department of Animal Production and Health.

The course is job-oriented It provides opportunity for youth to find employment inland and abroad as the course is designed to provide comprehensive knowledge both practical and theoretical in the field of dairy farming. Present at the occasion of awarding certificates were secretary to the central province governor Ms. Majula Madahapola, secretary, provincial ministry of Agriculture. Dayananda, Director, central province Animal, Production and Health Ms. Kumudini Rajanayaka and several others. And, more information of Dairy Farming Assistant course can be obtained via Tele. – 081 2388682